If He came unexpectedly, I wonder what you'd do.
Oh, I know you'd give your nicest room to such an honored Guest,
And all the food you'd serve to Him would be the very best,
And you would keep assuring Him you're glad to have him there -
That serving Him in your own home is joy beyond compare..."
An elderly lady recently gave me a track, with this poem written on it (it's actually about ten times longer so I provided a link in case anybody just feels the urge to read the whole thing).
I've read this poem before, but when I read it last night- it impacted me differently... If Jesus knocked on my dorm's door- I'd spray some Febreeze for starters, and maybe stuff my dirty socks under my bed, and actually making my bed would probably be a good idea. But in all honesty, let's say there's a knock on my door and I find Jesus standing there, arms outstretched, waiting to embrace His child.
I'd run into His arms, I'd weep, I'd cry. I would bury my face in his shoulders (how tall is Jesus anyways?) and sob. I'd ask Him why He couldn't have come sooner and if He could stay here in my dorm forever. I'd beg Him to stay the night and watch over me while I slept. I'd plead Him to walk me to classes and eat lunch with me, so I'd never have to be alone. I would try to convince Him to do my research paper for me and then I'd ask if He could go visit the boy who broke my heart. "Visit him, Lord. Open his eyes to the pain he has caused. Let his heart be tender to Your heart's desire and let him be tender to the girl he claimed to love, but who is still his sister in Your name."
Lord, do you wanna come hang out in my dorm? Maybe stay for awhile? Hold me while I cry, speak promises to me when I am down, and remind me of the future you have for me? I'm waiting, Lord. I am waiting for the knock...anytime now.
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