This past weekend I went with BCM (the Baptist College Ministry I'm involved in on my campus) to a retreat in the mountains. The cabins were rustic, but the memories made there are fond ones. I went to summer camp there as a little girl...when I walk those trails, I am brought back to the days of french braids, sunburnt noses, mosquito bites, and laughter with friends. I even went on my senior retreat, last year, to this camp. I remember walking around with old friends that I've grown up with for the past 12 years, knowing everything in our lives was about to change. I am not sure I like change anymore. Change hurts. It was interesting to walk these same paths, looking back on my life...seeing where God has taken me, and where He is taking me...Last year, I thought I'd be in Belize with YWAM by this time, but God has taken me other places, with new people and friendships.
We all hiked up to the top of a mountain on Saturday night to watch the meteor shower...it was so beautiful. Our God is such an amazing creator! I was mesmerized by the fact that I could even see the faint glow of the Milky Way, and as stars shot through the sky, I tried to think of a wish to make...none came to me. I don't even know what my wishes and dreams are anymore. I used to know. Not anymore. All I know is that God has placed a burning passion within my heart to go to the ends of the earth and to display His love to humanity...to wrap my arms around the little girl who stands on the street corner at night, to kiss the cheeks of an abandoned baby, to hold the hands of children who hunger for attention, to pray with the young mother who can't afford a mouth to feed, to be a light to those walking in darkness. That's all I know now...and the fact that God has me at this college for a reason, for some reason. Anyways, by nightfall, I was really anxious as I laid down in my bunk. What if more nightmares came? What if I cried out during the night, and woke the other girls up? I asked the Lord to fill my sleep with peace, and I didn't know this, but my friend, Rachel, prayed Psalm 4:8 over me as she fell asleep, too. "I will lie down and sleep, for you, alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8. She even asked the Lord to wake her up if I needed her during the night.
When I awoke that morning, all the girls told me that I woke them up last night, sleep talking and laughing in my sleep! Haha! I don't know what I was laughing about, but apparently it carried on for quite some time because they couldn't fall back asleep..But, God answered our prayers, and even through some humor in there! He even woke Rachel up, so that she could see this girl laughing joyfully in her sleeping bag...one step closer to healing, one more answered prayer.
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