The Lord really does provide. He provides in simple ways, such as a day of sunshine that allows my weary body to feel the rays on my skin again. He provides baby kittens to play with in a moment of hopelessness. He provides countless friends, strangers, adults, faculty, and staff to lay hands on me and pray with me. He provides the random text message at just the right time to encourage me that others do care. He provides the friend who will sit with me in my dorm till after midnight just so I don't have to be alone. He provides the phonecalls with a caring mother. He provides encouraging notes from others. He provides a counselor who listens. He provides two nurses who are ready to help heal more than just a stubbed toe, but who will pray, counsel, and encourage a broken heart. He provides friends to laugh with. He provides others to simply study with so I can be with others. He provides a brother who will drive me around town and listen to me cry. He provides a roommate who will rub and scratch my back while I throw up all my nerves in the middle of the night. He provides hallmates who drag me to zumba classes. He provides an R.A. who is there. He provides an upperclassmen girl who is sits with me and lets me cry some more. He provides an alpha leader who lets me call her at any time of the night. He provides a professor that gives me a huge hug and tells me it's going to be okay. He provides more professors who are willing to work with me during this time in my life. He provides people I never knew would care. THE LORD PROVIDES.
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