I can't even begin to write down all the instances the past weeks that I have felt his attacks...But, after one specific incident a few weeks ago, I said no more. The moment I realized what was happening, I pulled into a parking lot, and screamed. I didn't care if anyone saw or heard. I screamed in utter frustration, exhaustion, confusion, pain, but most of all- I screamed my prayer that the Lord would wrap His angels around me that He would shield me from even feeling the enemy's attacks. I beat my hands on my steering wheel, In Jesus Christ's name, I command you to leave me Satan! Try everything you can, but you cannot take my faith! Your attacks only make me stronger, leaving YOU weaker. The Lord my God is my shield, I will not fear you, I will rest in the shadow of the Almighty! I dwell in the shelter of the Most High, and nothing can pluck me from His hands. I command you to flee- now!
Ever since I prayed that prayer, hot, angry tears streaming down my face- I feel the Lord's strength. And I know that even what the enemy means for evil, God is turning it for my good...for His glory. His plans are still to prosper, He has not forgotten me. He is with me through the fire and the flood. He is faithful forever, perfect in love, He is sovereign over me.
And you know what else? Either Satan really has backed off, or the Lord is guarding me. I have never been one to ask God for his protection of angels, I don't know- maybe it's always seemed so "Hallmark" to me. But, I do not doubt the times I know He has placed His angels around me. I remember this one day, feeling at absolute ground-zero, and a woman from my church gathered me in her arms and began praying for me in her car. The more she prayed, the more I felt the presence of many...I can't explain it, and perhaps it was my imagination running wild, but the more she prayed, I felt so much peace...and an image appeared in my head, almost as if I was seeing it with my eyes. I saw the two of us, heads bowed, praying fervently to the Lord, and I saw a "heavenly host" of angels surrounding the car...they made a circle around the van, their heads bowed as well. I never opened my eyes during that prayer, but the feeling of other presences surrounding us was so strong. Looking back, I don't doubt the fact that the Lord has surrounded me with His guardian angels...to quiet me in my sleep, to walk alongside me to class, to protect me from any other outside harm.
All that being said, when my feet hit the floor in the morning...I like to picture Satan and his little demons screaming in disgust. "Nooooo! She's up, AGAIN!" I smile to myself as I get dressed for the day, Yes, I am up, AGAIN. Satan has not won, I am still living for God. Let the adventure begin...